Tag Archive | Garden & Gun

Southern art for a southern soul

This is a post about being southern, appreciating clever design, and the Old Try. Enjoy.


For many years I had personal concerns about having been born and raised in the south, and more specifically Tennessee.

Considering the following:

  • Race relations: this obviously includes slavery, native American injustices (not limited to the Trail of Tears), the Civil War, MLK’s assassination, Jim Crow, Civil Rights, Dred Scott v. Sanford, that we even needed the Brown v. Board of Education ruling, and many more…
  • Dixie: Confederate flags, the KKK, “The South will rise again”, etc.
  • Rednecks: both the stereotype and reality of a “backwoods” southern people
  • Slang and slow talk: possessing an accent that absolutely identifies me as southern
  • Other southern things: a love for old country and bluegrass, mom’s biscuits and fried chicken, honeysuckle, seersucker, linen, etc.

Due to most of the above, I actively worked to avoid mentioning my southern roots.

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